SME and Startup

Engage with millions of qualified candidates today

Unlock the potential of your team with ease - try our free trial now and discover the perfect hire for your growing business!

No credit card required.

Hiring can be as easy as 1-2-3

Engage with qualified talents

On top of more than 5 million job seekers on Kalibrr, your job post also reaches candidates in more than 8 job platforms.

Get instant recommendations

Using artificial intelligence, Kalibrr immediately matches you with the most qualified candidates based on your job post.

Find the perfect hire

Manage applications, screen candidates, and schedule interviews conveniently in one simple applicant tracking system.

Hiring can be as easy
as 1-2-3

Engage with qualified talents

On top of more than 5 million job seekers on Kalibrr, your job post also reaches candidates in more than 8 job platforms.

Employer Success Stories

Putri Setyorini

Recruitment & Employer
Branding Manager, Dekoruma


Talent Acquisition Specialist, Concepcion Business Services Inc.

Fabiola Meseaga

Recruiter, Tokopedia
As one of Dekoruma's sources for finding the right talents, Kalibrr is very helpful with the recruitment challenges we face.

Kalibrr's good branding plus its relevant “talent pool” also enhances Dekoruma's branding and increases the volume of incoming applicants. In addition, Kalibrr can also be directly accessed by the company's career page and has very helpful features.

Kalibrr is the perfect platform to be our sourcing tool to find the right talents that suit our needs.

After some time using it, Kalibrr has become our “go-to platform” to find the technical resources. We love all their features including their transparency that really help us monitor the candidates. Their customer service is also very helpful and very responsive.

Kalibrr greatly assists a recruitment process efficiently in Tokopedia.

Very easy and comfortable to use with additional features such as SMS, Interview Scheduler, and Bulk Action. The complete database and quality candidates are relevant to Tokopedia's needs for various levels.

As one of Dekoruma's sources for finding the right talents, Kalibrr is very helpful with the recruitment challenges we face.

Kalibrr's good branding plus its relevant “talent pool” also enhances Dekoruma's branding and increases the volume of incoming applicants. In addition, Kalibrr can also be directly accessed by the company's career page and has very helpful features.

Putri Setyorini

Recruitment & Employer

Free Trial

Best for trying out Kalibrr. Get a feel for how we can help with your hiring needs for 14 days.

No credit card required.

  • Free job post

  • Easily manage jobs and applicants

  • Search for qualified candidates

Promotional Package

Promotional Package that cater to the hiring needs of all company sizes.

Access to all features including:

  • Post jobs to partner channels

  • Conveniently track applicants

  • Unlimited in-platform messaging

Number of job slots:

  • 1
  • 5
  • 10

Custom Solutions

Get access to our best features and smart AI tools with an exclusive plan for you.

Customize features and select from:

  • Create ADB Assessments

  • Utilize analytics for better decisions

  • Post private jobs

Got Questions?

We have you covered.

If I have questions regarding my Kalibrr subscription and platform usage, how do I contact my account manager?

Our account managers are reachable through e-mail and chat platforms such as Whatsapp and Viber. Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to our team through [email protected], and our account managers will contact you directly.

My subscription is about to expire, how can I renew it?

30 Days before your subscription is expired, you will be notified through Kalibrr platform. To access it, you can log-in to your Kalibrr account, and click the Renew button to send a renewal request. You can also reach out to your dedicated account managers to assist you for renewal process.

How can I add the job post slots, user access, and/or premium feature into my current subscription package?

Add-Ons and Custom Package request can be done via direct request to Account Managers or to [email protected].

Once I posted job in Kalibrr, will it be shown on other website?

Kalibrr has partnered with multiple job portal and education institution to ensure more exposure to your job posts. For full list of our partner, please visit

How do I connect my career website with Kalibrr?

We have two options for career website integration: through hyperlink and API. For hyperlink option, you can simply copy and paste your Kalibrr's company page URL to your career website page so once the jobseeker click it, they will be redirected to your Kalibrr's company page. For API Integration, you can request for API documentation & access to your account manager and he/she will assist you for the integration process.

why are my Job Posts are not published directly?

Every Job Posts posted in Kalibrr will undergo a quality control process called Job Curation. This is to ensure that the job is informative, consistent and inline with our Terms of Use ( The curation time will take a maximum of 3 Working Hours. For further queries, you are welcome to reach out to support team directly via support widget (bottom right page) when you are logged in.

What are things not permited in my Job Post?

We don't allow any form of Contact Details and Links to avoid confusion in the application process.

What should I do if my job is labelled as expired?

Expired jobs means that they exceed the application deadline that you set when you first posted them. You can either reactivate the jobs by prolonging the deadline (Click Edit > Edit required information) or move them to tab Deactivate (Click More > Deactivate).

I have additional questions about using Kalibrr. Can I talk to someone directly?

Yes you can. Just simply request for a demo here and our Enterprise Partners can answer all your questions about Kalibrr during the demo meeting.

Free Trial

Best for trying out Kalibrr. Get a feel for how we can help with your hiring needs.


What you can do with this plan:

  • 1 Admin Access

  • Track applicants and job posts using our default ATS

  • 1 reusable job slot

  • Invite 5 job seekers to apply to your job post per day

  • Free access to most features for 14 days

  • Manage job listings and applications

  • Find qualified candidates with advanced filters

  • Send limited number of messages per applicant

  • Limited AI powered recommendations

  • No credit card required.